Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Social business and professional networking

Bizkoor.com is a breath of fresh air for individuals to corporate organizations. This seamless Business Networking Platform allows users to easily create a professional profile, network with business partners, as well as hooking up with old class mates all in one place. Unlike many websites that want to clutter you and make you fill out a ton of useless information, this website is extremely easy to use and at the same time delivers rich and helpful results for your company. Setting up a profile is simple and fast, and at the same time gives you the freedom to present yourself the way you want. Upon logging in you can get access to your dashboard, which allows you to see recent activities, feeds of companies, as well as friends and partners that you want to keep track of. Also at your disposal is a file sharing tool, perhaps you have a company profile or a colleague that you need to send to edit or collaborate with on a certain project. You can easily access your files and share them, it is super fast and is extremely useful. (Especially when you eliminate all the email size limitations, or trying to find an upload site.) So I am positive you will find this tool more than convenient just like I did. Another neat tool is the Blogs resource, you can find important blog posts, or write some yourself with the click of a button. Just like the file manager, this is a really useful tool, it eliminates an extra website you would normally use and puts it all in one place. Overall this is a very clean, organized, and extremely useful website for all forms of collaboration. I suggest you sign up for an account and give it a try, take a look at your profile and connection options, try writing a blog, upload and share a few files. You will find that not only are these necessities for growing companies and networking individuals, but it can lead to extreme success and productivity by bringing all these aspects together on this amazing networking platform. Overall I love this site and find it useful all the way around, and I hope you will to. Sign up and promote your business today, let's see what happens!